3514 Capital Partners

About us

3514 Capital Partners was founded as a compelling partnership between advisors and legal professionals with a historical portfolio in international transactions in the complex receivables trade.

Based on the experience of the investment market requirements and servicing needs, acquired through our founders’ advisory and transaction experience, the investment schemes of the funds were constituted.​

3514 Capital is built on the founders’ experience in acquisitions and trade of receivables in Europe, and the partners’ track record as the financial and legal advisors of reference. It is natural financial synergy, not alchemy. The experience of the team in handling restructuring of single name positions and asset portfolios, and taking advisory roles on these transactions since 2010, gives 3514 Capital Partners a unique and very practical perspective.

As a result, our team entwines pragmatic, bespoke solutions that provide foundational support and enable businesses to address critical challenges or capitalise on opportunities in various industries, including financial services and capital markets, aviation, yachting, shipping, real estate, litigation and dispute resolution.

Our strategic objectives

3514 Capital Partners’ strategic objective is to invest its assets in self-originated securitisation programmes, designed to fulfill the alternative funding requirements of the Maltese market. These are namely real estate secured receivables, non-performing or re-performing receivables, blue chip secured digital media receivables, and hi-liquidity and stable depreciative asset secured receivables programmes.     ​​

3514 Capital Partners originated and tailored this opportunity, specifically for qualified and institutional investors, who will benefit from double digit returns on a highly secured portfolio, offering higher returns than traditional investment channels such as banking products or bonds. 

We offer higher returns than traditional investment channels